Professeur des Universités (CMC)

  • Address: 5 avenue Henry Le Chatelier, Palaiseau
  • Office: 4024
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Short Biography

Laurent Linnemer (ENSAE, 1991) holds a PhD in Economics (EHESS, 1996). He is University Professor since 1998. He had a position in Lille and Montpellier Universities before joining ENSAE in 2005. He is a member of CesIfo. Since 2017, he is editor of the journal Annals of Economics and Statistics. Laurent Linnemer studies Industrial Organization (i.e. imperfect competition), in particular in presence of asymmetric information.

Research Interests

  • Microeconomics Industrial Organization

    Theory of monopoly, quality, reputation, vertical restraints, strategic interaction between firms, repeated interaction, advertising, asymmetric information, tacit collusion, barriers to entry, contestability, exit, and research and development.