ANR project OTELO

This project funded by ANR ended on September 2022. It gathered my research around treatment effect identification and estimation with longitudinal data. See also the page “Software programs” for the corresponding Stata and R packages.

1. Two-way fixed effect regressions with heterogeneous treatment effects, with Clément de Chaisemartin (American Economic Review, vol. 110). See for the last WP version. 

2. Difference-in-Differences Estimators of Intertemporal Treatment Effects, with Clément de Chaisemartin, under revision at Review of Economics and Statistics. See for the last WP version.

3. Fixed Effects Binary Choice Models with Three or More Periods, with Laurent Davezies and Martin Mugnier. Forthcoming at Quantitative Economics. See for the last WP version.

4. Identification and estimation of marginal effects in fixed effects logit models, with Laurent Davezies and Louise Laage, under revision at Review of Economic Studies. See for the last WP version.