Philippe Choné

Professor of Economics

  • Address: 5 avenue Henry Le Chatelier, Palaiseau
  • Office: 4042
  • Phone: +33 (0)1 70 26 66 94
  • E-mail:

Short Biography

Philippe Choné is an ENSAE professor, a CREST researcher, and a CEPR research fellow. His research lies in the fields of industrial economics, public finance (taxation) and health economics. His work explores the functioning of competition and how public intervention can correct market failures. He has a long-standing interest in the organization and regulation of healthcare industries. He has advised various government agencies and research institutions on competition and healthcare policies. At three different points in his career, he has been working with the French competition authority, notably as its chief economist and as a non-permanent member of the board. He is currently serving as head of research of Genes group.


Biographie Rapide

Philippe Choné est professeur à l’ENSAE, chercheur au CREST et research fellow du CEPR. Son domaine de recherche principal est l’économie industrielle, mais il s’est aussi beaucoup intéressé à des questions touchant à la taxation optimale et à l’économie de la santé. Son travail explore le fonctionnement de la concurrence et comment les interventions publiques permettent de corriger les défaillances des marchés. Il a conseillé divers organismes publics et institutions de recherche en matière de politique de concurrence et de santé. A trois stades de sa carrière, il a travaillé avec l’Autorité de la concurrence, notamment comme chef économiste et comme membre du Collège. Il est actuellement directeur de la recherche du Groupe des écoles nationales d’économie et de statistique.


The GRAPH4HEALTH team is recruiting PhD and post-doctoral students to work on the project:

From Healthcare Accessibility to Health Outcomes:

A statistical and machine learning approach to large-scale graphs

Research Interests

  • Economics Industrial Organization

  • Economics Health Economics

  • Economics Public Policies